528 W Market Street, Perkasie, PA 18944, USA
(267) 354-1120

Get The Word Out About Your Side Hustle

Get The Word Out About Your Side Hustle

Per diem workspace

Soon after Per Diem Workspace opened, we rolled out the concept of having a Pop-Up Shop. What is this concept all about? A pop-up shop is a short-term, temporary retail event that is here today, gone tomorrow. Pop-up retail is the temporary use of physical space to create a long-term, lasting impression with potential customers. As a way of increasing traffic to their stores, and to decrease the chances their customers will shop online, many brick and mortar stores will host a pop-up during an event. Pop-ups have increasingly become popular in today’s marketplace as a way to increase brand recognition and persuade buyers to spend.

Per Diem Workspace began offering pop-up shops for three reasons: One to increase our revenue; two to increase our customer engagement; and three, and most importantly, to offer local artisans, makers and shops the opportunity to showcase their creativity and merchandise.

Pop-ups are such a great fit for those individuals who, in addition to having a full-time 9 to 5 job, are pursuing a side-hustle. What’s a side-hustle? As defined by one entrepreneur, a side-hustle is, “A way to make some extra cash that allows flexibility to pursue what you are most interested in.” In other words, side-hustles not only create an opportunity to increase one’s income, but it also allows them to explore and express what they are most passionate about.

A recent GoDaddy survey indicated that one in two millennials have a side-hustle and one in four baby boomers do as well. Whether it be a passion for photography or art or those who are selling wine via network marketing, more and more people are finding it necessary to express their creativity. Most of the time exploring is done in addition to their 40-hour a week job. The passion they feel towards this work is often what drives them to continue to put in the extra hours and sweat equity to make it successful.

At Per Diem Workspace, we offer a physical location, for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon, for those who are working their art, craft or passion. Revealing the individual efforts they have pursued and allowing others to see it, is sometimes the hardest part of the journey. We are very happy to provide a space for their creativity and passion.

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